

Prerequisites for Handicrafts Unit:

  • Skill and Expertise: Handicraft businesses require skilled artisans or craftsmen who possess the necessary skills and expertise in a specific craft.
  • Infrastructure and Tools: Adequate infrastructure, workspace, and tools are essential to produce handicrafts.
  • Raw Materials: Access to quality raw materials required for the specific craft is crucial.
  • Market Research: Conducting market research to identify target customers, trends, and demands for specific handicraft products is important for business success.
  • Design and Innovation: Focus on unique designs, creativity, and innovation to stay competitive in the market.
  • Marketing and Distribution: Establishing effective marketing channels and distribution networks to reach potential customers.

Licenses and Permits:

  • Business Registration: Register your handicraft business as per the legal requirements of your country or region.
  • Trademark or Copyright Registration: If you have unique designs or brand names, consider registering trademarks or copyrights to protect your intellectual property.
  • Tax Registrations: Obtain the necessary tax registrations and comply with tax regulations applicable to your business.
  • Export-Import License: If you plan to engage in international trade, you may need to obtain an export-import license.
  • Local Permits: Check with local authorities for any specific permits or licenses required to operate a handicraft business in your area.

Government Schemes and Subsidies:

  • Artisan Credit Card Scheme (India): Provides credit support to artisans for meeting their working capital requirements.
  • Marketing Support and Export Promotion Scheme (India): Aims to promote and market Indian handicrafts globally.
  • Handicrafts Mega Cluster Scheme (India): Supports the development of handicraft clusters by providing infrastructure, training, and market linkages.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan Programs (USA): Offers various loan programs and resources for small businesses, including handicraft enterprises.
  • Creative Industries Fund NL (Netherlands): Provides funding and support to creative entrepreneurs, including those in the handicraft sector.


How can I start a handicraft business?
Starting a handicraft business requires a combination of skills, creativity, market research, and business acumen. You need to identify a niche, develop your product line, set up production facilities, and establish marketing and distribution channels.
Where can I sell my handicraft products?
Handicrafts can be sold through various channels such as physical retail stores, craft fairs, exhibitions, e-commerce platforms, and social media.
How can I promote my handicraft business?
Promote your business through online and offline marketing strategies, including social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), attending trade shows, and collaborating with influencers or bloggers in the niche.
Are there any government schemes or support for handicraft businesses?
Yes, many governments provide schemes, grants, and support programs to promote and uplift the handicraft sector. These schemes vary from country to country, so it is advisable to check with your local government or relevant agencies.